Thursday, April 4, 2024

For My Daughter

Hi! Um... I'm going to be honest, I'm not really sure how to start this. I guess introducing myself? I've rewritten this introduction at least ten times by now... but um. 

I'm Harmonia, your mom. Fuck, that feels weird to say... um... I made this just in case something happens to me- in case you don't get to know me... I don't really know what we'll name you- if you'll be a girl or a boy... but know this, no matter what happens, I love you. 

I'm sorry if this is disjointed, my thoughts are everywhere but I want to write this for you. A memoir of sorts, telling you about my life, about your family, about well... everything. Today is April 4, 2024. You're only a month along... and I love you already. 

I'm not sure what you'll call us- if you'll have different names for me and your other mom... probably. That would make sense I think... Honestly, if someone had told me a couple years ago that I'd be where I am now, I would've called them crazy.

I should mention that I'm not writing this alone. This is mostly for you, my love, but I suppose this can also serve as a sort of historical document? Detailing the apocalypse and stuff... The Playwright is going to be helping, writing down events exactly as they happened, since my memory isn't the most reliable. 

You're going to be the first of your kind, my little jellybean. I'm not sure if that nickname will stick but... I hope you don't mind it. You'll be the first child ever born in Metamorphosis. I hope you won't be lonely... I'll try my best to make sure you have friends your age. I wonder if you'll be a moth like me... and what moth you'll be. 

Well, I'm going to sign off for the moment. I love you, jellybean.
My Love


  1. You seem so kind to your child. Do you have a name yet?

    1. Not yet... But I want to name them after a character from Greek mythology like my mom did with my sister and I.

    2. Aw that's so sweet! I bet your family is very happy to hear about the news!

    3. Why Greek names if you don't mind me asking

    4. My mom was just really into mythology, I think it'd be a nice way to honor her.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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