Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A Human Life

I guess I should start from the beginning, right? 
Well- your grandparents are Brian Thompson and Heather Reeds. You had an aunt- well... have. Her name was Calliope Reeds, and she was two when I was born. Your grandparents were never married but loved each other dearly. It seemed like everything would be okay until one fateful day, where your grandpa swerved off the highway. My sister didn't survive. 
Your grandpa left, thinking it would be safer for the rest of us, and your grandma fell into addiction. I was left to my grandmother, your great grandmother, to be raised by her. She was the best caregiver I could ask for. She was always there for me, even when she was dealing with her own grief. I'm sure she'll be there for you like she was for me. 
We didn't have much, but we had each other. My mom visited from time to time but she never really saw me for who I was... just the daughter she lost. 
My grandma died in November of 2020. I was barely 18, and it hit me hard. Everything got worse before it eventually got better, and by the time the sky went red, I had been doing better. I suppose that's what I should focus on next... Get this story moving along in a way.


  1. Jesus that's awful Harmonia. I feel bad for reading all of this. Is this supposed to be public?

    1. Yeah. It's the best way for her to find it, if something happens to me. In any case, I suppose it works as a way for the world to get to know me... since they might be interested?

    2. I'm interested. You have a very interesting life. Do you think something might happen to you?

    3. I hope not, but I want to be safe. The world is dangerous and being close with Sorath puts a target on my back.

  2. What's Claire's family's reaction been?

    1. Oh. I don't talk to him. How do you know about him???

    2. Part of the Convalescent. Don't worry, we don't like him either.

    3. Oh right. Are you one of the people who talked to me in my dream?

    4. I believe so, yes, me and a group of my friends. Sorry for intruding like that, Raine doesn't really give us a choice.

    5. It's alright, I figured. Sorry I was um... not doing great in that dream.

    6. And Raine didn't help. Us being connected to you to begin with is worrying

    7. I thought you knew, that makes this a bit more difficult

    8. We can only connect with people who are IN Raine's game, either as players or as Gamemasters. We connected to both you and Orpheus

    9. I'm... a little concerned that Sorath didn't tell you

    10. If you two do get into the game, either as Players or Gamemasters, I hope you two will make the right choices

    11. I guess Raines threats have more weight to them now... but um... me too.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. You should go talk to Orpheus, I already talked to him previously so he knows what's going on. You two should meet up and strategize. I don't know if you can trust Sorath on this. I don't know why she would let you into the game if you're pregnant, or if Raine is just keeping it secret from her. Maybe try getting Arimidex too? She kind of knows what's going on.

    14. ... I don't know where Orpheus is. He's not answering my texts... we had an argument and he went AWOL. But if you've talked to him then... maybe he's okay? Hopefully anyways... If you talk to him again, tell him I miss him... and that I'm sorry.
      Sorath is my wife. I have to trust her... Im going to talk to her about it. Thank you for the heads up.

    15. Maybe you could text him about the game? I'm sorry you two have been fighting. He doesn't seem to be in a good place right now. If you do become a gamemaster or a player, you need to try and stop the game, no matter what Sorath says


Violence is often met with Violence

 The next few weeks focused on building the sanctuary, securing food and weapons, and preparing for winter. The group managed to get some so...